Boiler Installation Reports


Please complete each section. ONE BOILER ONLY.


Boiler Installation

Boiler Installation
Installation Information
The Installation Information field is required. *Required
Is this a Portable Boiler?
(for reinstalled or secondhand boilers only)

Form Submitted By

Form Submitted By

Boiler Installed By

Boiler Installed By

Boiler Owner

Boiler Owner

Physical Location of Boiler

Physical Location of Boiler
Is this boiler being installed in a new building?

General Boiler Information

General Boiler Information
What will the boiler be used for?
Does this boiler replace an existing one?
**If yes, please provide the Texas number of the boiler being removed/replaced AND the disposition of the boiler
What has been done with this boiler?
**Disconnected in place: water, steam, electricity, and fuel lines all disconnected.
Does this boiler need to be turned on/used prior to the initial inspection?
**If this boiler must be turned on/used prior to the initial inspection, Part II is required.

If you did not request a temporary boiler operating permit you may NOT start the boiler for any reason until after the initial inspection is completed by a commissioned inspector.

**Part II of this form is an application for a Temporary Boiler Operating Permit (TOP) for authorization to operate the boiler for 30 days from the date of approval. A $50 invoice will be generated upon processing of the TOP application separate from the $25 BIR fee. Submittal of the application does not guarantee approval; the form is reviewed to ensure all applicable safety appurtenances for the boiler are addressed. All fields are required. The Temporary Operating Permit certificate will be emailed upon approval. The boiler shall not be operated until the TOP application has been approved or the initial inspection has been completed and passed.


The fee for the Temporary Operating Permit (TOP) is $50. Do not submit the fee with this application. An invoice will be generated upon completion of processing the application.

Temporary Boiler Information

Temporary Boiler Information
Indicate who should be billed for fee
The Indicate who should be billed for fee field is required. *Required
Btu/kW Input
The Btu/kW Input field is required.
No Btu/kW Input
Btu/kW Output
No Btu/kW Output
ASME Code Designators
The ASME Code Designators field is required. *Required
Safety Relief Valve Capacity (Valve 1)
The Safety Relief Valve Capacity (Valve 1) field is required.
Safety Relief Valve Capacity (Valve 2)
Safety Relief Valve Capacity (Valve 3)
CO Monitor Installed
The CO Monitor Installed field is required. *Required
CO Monitor Interlocked
The CO Monitor Interlocked field is required. *Required

A Certificate of Operation will be emailed upon approval of TOP. The boiler shall not be operated without a Certificate of Operation.