License Listing Format (Comma delimited, enclosed in quotation marks) LICENSE TYPE LICENSE NUMBER LICENSE EXPIRATION DATE COUNTY NAME MAILING ADDRESS LINE1 MAILING ADDRESS LINE2 MAILING ADDRESS CITY, STATE ZIP PHONE NUMBER BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS ADDRESS-LINE1 BUSINESS ADDRESS-LINE2 BUSINESS CITY, STATE ZIP" BUSINESS COUNTY CODE BUSINESS COUNTY BUSINESS ZIP BUSINESS PHONE LICENSE SUBTYPE CONTINUING EDUCATION FLAG License Types: Associate Auctioneer A/C Freon Registrant Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Designation: AE - Environmental Class A BE - Environmental Class B AR - Refrigeration Class A BR - Refrigeration Class B Auctioneer Barber (Subtype) BA - Class A Barber BT - Barber Technitian MA - Manicurist TE - Instructor BC - Barber School BS - Barber Shop BR - Barber Booth Rental MR - Manicurist Booth Rental MS - Manicurist Shop Barber Booth Rentals (Subtype) BR - Barber MR - Manicurist Competitive Sports BJUDGE - Boxing Judge BWREFR - Boxing & Wrestling Referee BXPROM - Boxing promoter FBOXER - Fist boxer MANAGR - Boxer/Wrestler Manager MTCHMK - Matchmaker SECOND - Second TIMKPR - Timekeeper Continuing Education Provider Cosmetologist (Subtype) FA - Facialist FI - Facialist Instructor HW - Hair Braiding/Weaving Specialist IN - Operator Instructor MA - Manicurist MI - Manicurist Instructor OP - Operator SH - Shampoo Specialist WG - Wig Specialist WI - Wig Specialist Instructor Cosmo Salon (Subtype) CS - Beauty Salon MS - Manicure Salon FS - Facial Salon HS - Hair Weaving/Braiding Salon FM - Facial/Manicure Salon WS - Wig Salon Cosmo Booth Rentals (Subtype) OR - Operator MR - Manicurist FR - Facialist HR - Hair Weaving WR - Wig OIR - Operator Instructor MIR - Manicurist Instructor FIR - Facialist Instructor WIR - Wig Instructor HIR - Hair Braiding Instructor Cosmo School (Subtype) VS - Vocational/High School JC - Junior College PS - Private School Electrician Elevator Contractor Elevator Inspector Licensed Court Interpretor Legal Service Company Administrator Legal Service Company Legal Service Contract Salesperson PEREMP - Personnel Employment Services Polygraph Examiner (Subtype) EXAMINER - Examiner TRAINEE - Trainee Property Tax Consultant (Subtype) P - Property Tax Consultant R - Real Estate Only Property Tax Consultant S - Senior Property Tax Consultant Service Contract Provider SLSRVC - Staff Leasing Services TALAGY - Talent Agencies TCWEMP - Temporary Common Workers Employer Water Well Driller/Pump installer Apprentice Water Well Driller/Pump installer Driller Designation: W - water well M - monitoring well C - closed loop geothermal well N - injection well D - dewatering well A - master well driller which includes all designations previously listed Pump Installer Designations: L - windmills, hand pumps, and pump jacks P - single phase pumps K - three phase pumps T - line-shaft turbine pumps K - three phase pumps I - master water well pump installer which includes all designations previously listed