Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
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General Help

You must supply a value in at least one search field. Fill in as much information as known to narrow your search, otherwise you may have many records returned. Choose Down Load option to load the whole file if you want to see all licenses. 

Normally, searches are done for an exact match of the name as entered. If you are unsure of the spelling, you may choose to search for names either beginning or containing the letters entered.

For example, searching for names beginning with SMI would yield records with SMIT, SMITH, SMILEY, and others. 

Searching for names containing SON would yield records with ANDERSON, JACOBSON, SONNET, and others.

Searching for names will include person or company name.  Person/individual name format is Last name, First name .

Searching for License number is combined of License Type and 8-digit with leading zeros (e.g. 00000123).  If you just type 8-digit only, the system will search for all licenses that have that number.

The license number is combined by License Type and the 8-digit number

About the Search Views

Search Form
This is the page you are viewing.  You can always return to this page by using your back button or selecting the hyperlink at the top/bottom of each page labeled " Back to Referring Page".

Your search results may produce multiple records into rows showing Name, License Number, Expiration Date, Type, and Address information.


License Type 
AAUTNR Associate Auctioneer.
AUCTNR Auctioneer.
AIRREF/TACL   Air Conditioning Contractor
ACTRPR   ACR Certification Training Program
BJUDGE Boxing Judge.
BLRREG Boiler Installers.
BXPROM Boxing Promoter.
BWREFR Boxing and Wrestling Referee.

Fist Boxer.

ELEVTR Elevator Inspector.
MANAGR Boxer/Wrestler Manager
PEREMP Peresonnel Employement Service.
PROPTC Property Tax Consultants
SERVCP Service Contact Provider.
SLSRVC Staff Leasing Service.
TSPFFS Transportation Network Company
WWDPMP Water Well Driller, Pump Installer.
WWDAPP Water Well, Pump Installer Apprentice