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Harassment of and Violence Toward Massage Therapists

Dear Massage Therapy Licensee,

We share your concern about recent and ongoing harassment of and violence toward massage therapists, including actions against Asian-American and Pacific Islander licensees.

You should know that we and the staff of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation stand with you in denouncing the atmosphere that has normalized disrespect and mistreatment of massage therapists.

You have the right to be safe and feel safe at your job. In case of an emergency, or if you feel threatened, please contact local authorities or dial 9-1-1โ€”law enforcement is prepared to assist you.

  • If a client exposes themselves to you or initiates physical contact, TDLR rules state that you must end the session.
  • If a client exposes themselves to you in an attempt to gratify sexual desire, it is “indecent exposure” and can be reported to law enforcement.
  • Always get a consultation document to verify the client’s information and the expectation for services.
  • Always ensure proper draping as required by TDLR rules.
  • If you are uncomfortable for any reason, you may stop the massage session.

Please take care of yourselves, and each other, as we work toward achieving a safe work environment for our licensees. Thank you for the care you provide Texans. You are appreciated.

Yours in Service,

Rick Figueroa, Chair, Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation

Brian E. Francis, Executive Director