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Apply for Approval of a Basic Midwifery Education Course

Application and Fee

To apply for approval of a basic midwifery education course, please submit a completed Basic Midwifery Education Course Application Form (PDF), along with the non-refundable application fee of $150.

Personnel Requirements

Course Supervisor/Administrator Requirements

A basic midwifery education course must be supervised and conducted by an individual who:

Instructor Requirements

Didactic curriculum instructors must be approved by the course supervisor/administrator, and they must have training and credentials for the course material they will teach.

Preceptor Requirements

Preceptors listed on the course application form must be approved by the course supervisor/administrator and shall meet one of the following requirements:

(A) licensed midwives;

(B) certified professional midwives;

(C) certified nurse midwives; or

(D) physicians licensed in the United States and actively engaged in the practice of obstetrics.

Course Requirements

Mandatory basic midwifery education is intended to provide clinical experience/preceptorship of at least one year and prepare the student to become certified by NARM.

Successful completion of a basic education course should include at least the following activities:

Course Outline

Include with your application form a course outline that describes the sequence of the didactic and clinical preparations that students will follow, and include an estimated timeline for completion of the course.

Course Curriculum

Submit the course curriculum with the specific content referencing:

The didactic component must:

Teaching Sites

On the application form, you must identify and provide information about the didactic and preceptorship teaching sites that will be used that will be used in the instruction of this course.

Financial Information

Include with your application form a financial statement or balance sheet (information must be from within the last year) for the course supervisor/administrator or course owner, along with the disclosure of any bankruptcy within the last five years.

Written Policies

Submit the following written policies:

Education Site Visit

If your Basic Midwifery Education Course application is approved, then you will be issued a provisional license which will be good for one year. Once you have students enrolled, within the one-year provisional approval period, you will need to submit a Site Visit/Inspection Request form which will be provided at the time of approval. The form will need to be submitted along with the required fee of $500.00. The site visit is conducted by a member of the department staff and a licensed midwife. The site visit will include the following:

If the site visit/inspection is approved, you will be issued approval of the course.