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Relocatable Educational Facilities (REFs) Procedures

Issued January 20, 2010



(a) Specific sections of Chapter 1202 of the Occupations Code, Industrialized Housing and Buildings, that are applicable to the review, construction, and inspection of site-built REFs include, but are not limited to the following.

(1) § 1202.001, General Definitions

(2) § 1202.004, Relocatable Educational Facilities

(3) § 1202.154, Design Review

(4) § 1202.155, Council Stamp of Approval

(10) § 1202.201, Inspection Procedures

(11) § 1202.202, Department Inspections

(12) § 1202.204, Rules Providing for Decals or Insignia

(b) Specific sections of 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70 rules (rules) governing Industrialized Housing and Buildings that are applicable to the review, construction, and inspection of site-built REFs include, but are not limited to the following.

(1) § 70.10, Definitions

(2) § 70.20, Registration of Manufacturers, REF Builders, and Industrialized Builders

(2) § 70.30, Exemptions

(3) § 70.62, Responsibilities of the Local Building Official – Inspections

(4) § 70.70, Responsibilities of the Registrants – Manufacturer’s Design Package and REF Builder’s Construction Documents

(5) § 70.71, Responsibilities of the Registrants –Data Plate

(6) § 70.73, Responsibilities of the Registrants – Building Site Construction and Inspections

(7) § 70.77, Responsibilities of the Registrants – Decals and Insignia for New Construction

(8) § 70.79, Responsibilities of the Registrants – Site-Built REF Construction and Inspection

(9) § 70.80, Commission Fees

(10) § 70.100, Mandatory Building Codes

(11) § 70.101, Amendments to Mandatory Building Codes

(12) § 70.102, Use and Construction of Codes


The purpose of this document is to set procedures for the review, construction, inspection, and labeling of site-built Relocatable Educational Facilities (REFs) in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 1202 of the Occupations Code (reference §1202.004) and 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 70 rules (rules) governing industrialized housing and buildings. REFs constructed in a manufacturing facility are not covered by this document. These procedures only cover construction of new site-built REFs. Subsequent installation of site-built REFs shall comply with the building site construction and inspection requirements in §70.73 of the rules.


(a) The REF builder is responsible for assuring that the foundation and all construction pertaining to the site-built REF complies with the approved construction documents and the mandatory building codes.

(b) The REF builder is responsible for assuring that all subcontractors are licensed as required by applicable state law.

(c) The REF builder is responsible for assuring that all violations identified by the inspector are corrected, and that a successful final inspection has been completed, prior to occupation of, or prior to releasing the building for occupation. Exception: Occupancy of the building may be permitted and approved with outstanding items provided that the items are not in violation of the mandatory building codes.


(a) A REF builder shall select a council approved design review agency (DRA) to perform all required reviews and evaluations of plans, designs, and specifications for site-built REFs. The REF builder may use a different DRA for each project, but may not change agencies for a specific project. This selection shall be made in writing to the Department on the decal order form.

(b) The REF builder shall provide the DRA the documentation necessary to demonstrate compliance with the mandatory building codes. The minimum documentation required is outlined in rule 70.70(b). Documentation approved by the DRA shall include critical loads and load points for attachment of the building to the foundation.

(1) The DRA shall forward a copy of the approved documents to the REF builder upon approval.

(2) Changes in construction shall be reviewed and approved by the DRA.

(3) The REF builder shall assure that a copy of the approved construction documents is available at the construction site for the inspectors.

(4) The REF builder shall maintain a copy of the approved documents for a minimum of 10 years from the date of completion of the project and make a copy of the documents available to the Department upon request.

(c) Construction documents for the foundation and site specific elements, such as ramps and stairs, shall be reviewed and approved by the DRA, the local building official, or, in areas where the building site is outside a municipality or within a municipality with no building Department or agency, by the school district. At a minimum the documentation shall include all construction documents necessary to complete the building at the first commercial site including a foundation system design meeting the requirements of §70.73(g) or a ground anchor design meeting the requirements of §70.73(h) of the rules.


(a) When a site-built REF is constructed within a municipality that has a building inspection Department, the local building inspection official will be responsible for inspecting all construction to assure completion in accordance with the DRA approved construction documents and mandatory building codes. The municipality may require and review, for compliance with the mandatory building codes, a complete set of approved construction documents and any other construction documents necessary to complete the construction of the site-built REF at the building site.

(b) A municipality may require that all applicable local permits and licenses are obtained before construction begins on a building site.

(c) The municipality shall provide the REF builder written documentation that all inspections have been satisfactorily completed. Examples of documentation include, but are not limited to, a copy of the certificate of occupancy or a copy of the final inspection report.


(a) Inspection Personnel: A Council approved inspector shall perform the required inspections to assure completion of construction in accordance with the approved construction documentation and the mandatory building codes. Council approved inspectors include any of the following.

(1) A third party inspector or inspection agency registered with this Department and approved by the Council. Third party inspectors and inspection agencies shall have the applicable ICC certifications required by the Criteria for Approval as outlined in §70.23 of the rules.

(2) A third party site inspector registered with this Department and approved by the Council. Third party site inspectors shall have either the applicable ICC inspector certifications or ICC commercial inspector certifications required by the Criteria for Approval as outlined in §70.24 of the rules.

(3) An engineer or architect licensed to practice in the State of Texas. The engineer or architect may not be a direct employee of the REF builder. The engineer or architect must complete an application certifying that they have the requisite experience, education, or training necessary to assure compliance of the construction with the mandatory building codes adopted in §70.100 and §70.101 of the rules. In addition, each engineer or architect approved to conduct inspections of site-built REFs shall have the ICC commercial energy inspector certification.

(b) Scheduling Inspections. The REF builder is responsible for scheduling inspections and assuring that the inspector is given a minimum of 48 hours notice before each inspection. The REF builder may utilize a different inspector for different projects, but may not change the inspector or inspection agency for a project once started without prior written approval of the Department.

(c) Minimum Inspection Requirements. The REF builder shall assure that the following inspections are completed. Inspections may be combined where appropriate and the inspector determines that the completion of one stage does not interfere with the inspection of another stage. These inspections are minimum requirements and shall not limit the scope or the number of the inspections that may be necessary to adequately inspect the building or assure violations are corrected.

(1) First Inspection

  • Temporary or Construction Power: All work completed and safe weather head or means of attachment in place; ground fault circuit protection on all 120-volt receptacles.
  • Soil Conditions Verified: Soil investigation required where classification, strength, or compressibility in doubt or where load-bearing value specified exceeds specified code minimums

(2) Second Inspection

  • Water and Sewer: Trenches properly excavated, pipes properly placed with adequate separation, proper bedding and approved backfill available for inspection and then placement of backfill.
  • Plumbing Rough: Drains, waste, vents are supported and in place, tests on and ready to be verified. All pipes and fittings to be exposed for visual inspection.

(3) Third Inspection

  • Foundation and Reinforcement: Forms erected and braced, beams excavated, reinforcement in place, chairs installed for rebar.
  • Water Supply Lines: Water lines in place with no joints in slab or wall areas and protected from reaction to concrete or other corrosive materials where it penetrates concrete
  • Building Drain Lines: Sleeved or wrapped where passing through structural stem wall or beams in concrete. Any miscellaneous pipes, chases, conduits, etc, in place and ready to be covered.

(4) Fourth Inspection

  • Masonry foundation walls: Materials verified, wall height and thickness, reinforcement in place.
  • Frame/Exterior Sheathing: All framing, fire blocking, fastening, bracing in place, roof dried in and materials loaded.
  • Plumbing Top out: All pipe in place, supports connected, vent takeoffs, roof flashing and boots in place, water heater location, and trap arms are completed. Water sewer and gas line test in place and ready to be tested.
  • Mechanical Rough: All duct work and vents are in place; furnace closets have been completed.
  • Electrical Rough: All wiring, boxes, load centers (service and sub-panels), service drops and all work to be covered are in place.
  • Lead Test: Test of random areas of copper joints that have been soldered to determine if lead in solder exceeds .2%

(5) Fifth Inspection

  • Frame Re-inspection and/or insulation: Framing, plumbing, mechanical and electrical items previously identified are verified as being corrected. All insulation installed, all joints and penetrations sealed.
  • Energy Compliance and COM Check: Insulation labeled with R-values and verified against the COM Check. Doors and windows are labeled as certified as being no greater than the required U factor and SHGC of plans and COM Check. Windows and doors bear AAMA label for air infiltration. Duct connections are properly sealed with mastic or UL 181 tape.

(6) Sixth Inspection – Wallboard: All interior/exterior wallboard, paneling, and sheathing in place and fastened according to design or code standards. All joints and penetrations are caulked, gasketed, weather-stripped.

(7) Seventh Inspection

  • Gas line: All gas piping has been installed and concealed, and before any fixture or gas appliance have been connected. This inspection shall include a pressure test.
  • Electrical Meter Loop: Wired connections of light fixtures, switches, receptacles, smoke detectors and other electrical components properly made (a visual polarity check can be made) before fixtures and components are closed up or concealed by covers or face plates.

(8) Eighth Inspection

Building Final: Is to be done after the building is completed and is ready for occupancy.

Mechanical Final: All equipment has been installed and ready for use. All equipment efficiency ratings meet or exceed current NAECA standards and COM Check.

Plumbing Final: All valves and fixtures are installed, all vents completed. Water systems tested. Septic or sewer connected and tested. Combustion air supply to all gas fired appliances tested. All back flow, back-drainage and back-siphon devices in place and tested.

Electrical Final: All fixtures, switches, receptacles, grounds, appliances and equipment are installed and ready for use with meter loop in place. All lighting complies with Chapter 5 of the IECC, COM Check and IC ratings verified. Dielectric, polarity, continuity and operational electrical tests performed at this inspection.

(d) Inspection Reports. The inspector shall provide the REF builder a copy of the site inspection reports upon completion of each phase of the inspection.

(1) The inspection report shall include a list of violations if the inspector finds that the construction does not meet the mandatory building codes or approved construction documents. Approved construction documents include documents approved by the DRA and documents approved by the school district in accordance with the requirements of §70.70(b) and §70.70(e) of the rules.

(2) The REF builder shall schedule additional inspections as necessary so that the inspector may verify that violations have been corrected.

(3) A final inspection report shall be issued showing no outstanding violations prior to occupation or release of the building for occupation. A successful final inspection means that all construction has been completed, that all violations have been corrected, and that the construction has been found to comply with the mandatory building codes and all approved construction documents.

(4) The inspector or inspection agency shall file inspection reports on the forms and in the format required by the Department.

(5) A “Site-Built REF Inspection Report” shall be completed for each inspection. The inspector shall provide the REF builder a copy of the report, including a list of violations, upon completion of each inspection.

(6) A “Site-Built REF Inspection Report Summary” shall be filed with the Department within 5 days of the final inspection. A copy of the individual inspection report for each inspection phase shall be provided to the Department upon request.

(7) The inspector or inspection agency shall keep a copy of all inspection reports for a minimum of 5 years from the date each unit covered by the report receives a Texas decal.

(8) The REF builder shall maintain a copy of each inspection report for a minimum of 10 years from the date of successful final inspection and make a copy of the report available to the Department upon request.


The REF builder shall attach a data plate to each site-built REF.

(a) The data plate shall be made of a material that will not deteriorate over time and shall be permanently placed so that it cannot be removed without construction.

(1) The data plate shall be placed in an easily accessible location as designated on the floor plan or cover or title page for each project.

(2) The data plate shall not be located on any readily removable item such as a cabinet door or similar component. Location of the data plate on the cover of the electrical distribution panel is acceptable.

(b) The data plate shall contain, at a minimum, the following information.

(1) The REF builder’s name, registration number, and address.

(2) The identification or project number for each building.

(3) The State decal numbers

(4) The name and date of applicable codes.

(5) The maximum snow load (roof) in psf.

(6) The permissible type of gas for appliances.

(7) The maximum wind speed in mph and the exposure category.

(8) The seismic design criteria.

(9) The occupancy/use group.

(10) The construction type.

(11) Special conditions and/or limitations


(a) Decals shall be ordered by the REF builder on a form supplied by the Department.

(b) The REF builder will complete the application and send payment of the fee to the Department along with the following information.

(1) Written documentation from the municipality of the successful completion of all inspections prior to release of the decals when inside the jurisdiction of a municipality; or

(2) If outside the jurisdiction of a municipality or within a municipality without an inspection department then the REF Builder shall provide the following.

(A) TDLR Architectural Barriers Project Registration Number (for Projects with an estimated construction cost >= $50,000.00); and

(B) The name and registration/license # of the Council approved inspector who will be responsible for attaching the decal or decals upon successful completion of the final inspection.

(c) The control of decals shall remain with the Department. Decals will not be released to a site-built REF until all construction is complete and all violations identified during inspection have been corrected. Exception: Decals may be released with outstanding items provided that the items are not in violation of the mandatory building codes.

(1) The REF builder shall assure that all construction documents are approved, all required inspections are completed, and all inspection violations are resolved before the decal or decals are attached to the site-built REF.

(2) Decals may not be transferred to another REF project without prior written approval of the Department. Decals that are transferred without approval are void and shall be returned to, or confiscated by, the Department.

(3) Decals that have been attached to a site-built REF may not be transferred to another site-built REF. Decals that are removed from a site-built REF are void and shall be returned to, or confiscated by, the Department.

(d) A site-built REF becomes an industrialized building upon attachment of the decal or decals.