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Information Packet - Installation Inspections

Site inspections of the installation of industrialized housing and buildings are conducted by inspectors approved by the Texas Industrialized Building Code Council (Council). Council approved inspectors include any of the following:

A third party inspector or inspection agency registered with TDLR and approved by the Council

A third party site inspector registered with TDLR and approved by the Council

An engineer or architect licensed to practice in the State of Texas

List of Council approved inspectors

The engineer or architect shall complete an application certifying that they have the requisite experience, education, or training necessary to ensure compliance of the construction and the mandatory building codes adopted in rule §§ 70.100 and 70.101.

The procedures and inspection forms necessary to perform these inspections follow.

Occupations Code, Chapter 1202, Industrialized Housing and Buildings Law.

The Chapter 70 rules governing Industrialized Housing and Buildings.

The "Building Site Inspection Program" – This document describes the procedures for performing a site inspection of the installation of industrialized housing and buildings for the Texas IHB program. Reference sections 70.73 and 70.51 of the rules governing industrialized housing and buildings.

Inspections are documented on the following report forms: