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Practice Standards for Podiatric Medical Radiological Technicians

For information about renewing or applying for a registration, please see the following pages:

Enabling Statute and Rules

This page is offered as a courtesy and is not intended to replace knowledge of the laws and rules regulating Podiatric Medical Radiological Technicians. It is your responsibility to read and understand the relevant chapters.

The enabling statute is Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 601.

The relevant administrative rules are Texas Administrative Code §130.53.

Authorized Procedures

A TDLR Podiatric Medical Radiological Technician registration only authorizes the performance of lower extremity X-rays (ionizing radiation).

Unauthorized Procedures and Equipment

Podiatric Medical Radiological Technicians are specifically prohibited from providing services using the following equipment:

Additionally, any procedure identified by the Texas Medical Board as “dangerous” or “hazardous” may not be performed by a podiatric medical radiological technician.