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Dietitians Advisory Board Meeting

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 1:00 p.m.
North Campus, 1st Floor Public Meeting Room #125E
1106 Clayton Lane, Austin, Texas


If you require auxiliary aids, services or materials in an alternate format contact the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation at least 5 working days prior to the meeting date. Phone: (512) 463-6599, FAX: (512) 475-2874, TDD/RELAY TEXAS: 1-800-relay-VV (for voice), 1-800-relay-TX (for TDD).

Watch the meeting on TDLR's YouTube channel at

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call, Certification of Quorum, and Introductions
  3. Training for Advisory Board Members
    1. Open Meetings Act
    2. Public Information Act
    3. Administrative Procedure Act
  4. Approval of Minutes – Meeting of May 3, 2018
  5. Public Comment
    **Any person wishing to address the Advisory Board should complete a Public Comment Form and submit it to the Advisory Board Support Staff**
  6. Staff Reports – Briefing from staff and discussion:
    1. Licensing Division
      1. Statistics
    2. Customer Service Division
      1. Statistics
    3. Enforcement Division
      1. Criminal History Evaluation Letter Procedures
      2. Statistics on Cases and Penalties
    4. Education and Examination Division
      1. Personnel Updates
      2. Statistics and Trends
    5. Regulatory Program Management Division
      1. Update and Discussion Regarding Dietitians Program Activities and Projects
      2. Public Outreach
      3. Medical & Health Professions Section Update and Projects
    6. Executive Office
      1. Personnel Updates
      2. Update from the 86th Legislature, Regular Session 2019
      3. Communication Outreach Statistics
      4. Sunset Review Process
      5. Strategic Planning Process
      6. Introduction of the TDLR Human Trafficking Prevention Unit
  7. Discussion and possible recommendation regarding proposed amendments to existing rules at 16 Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Chapter 116, Subchapter A, §116.2; Subchapter C, §116.20; Subchapter E, §§116.40 and 116.42; Subchapter F, §§116.50, 116.51, and 116.53; Subchapter I, §§116.80 - 116.82; Subchapter K, §§116.100, 116.101, 116.104, and 116.105; Subchapter M, §116.120; and Subchapter O, §§116.141 and 116.142; the proposed repeal of existing rules at Subchapter C, §116.21; Subchapter D, §116.30; Subchapter J, §116.90; and Subchapter N, §§116.130 – 116.132; and the proposed new rules at Subchapter C, §116.22; and Subchapter M, §§116.121 – 116.123, regarding the Dietitians program. The proposed rules implement HB 2847, Article 12 and Article 7, §§7.003, 7.004, and 7.008, and HB 2059, 86th Legislature, Regular Session (2019).  The proposed rules also implement the changes recommended by the Dietitians Advisory Board Licensing Workgroup and Department staff, including streamlining the license application and renewal processes and updating various license requirements.  The proposed rules also make terminology and other clean-up changes to the rule chapter.
  8. Discussion of HB 2059, 86th Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, and possible appointment of a workgroup to study whether the required human trafficking prevention training may count toward the required continuing education hours for Dietitians.
  9. Reappointment of existing workgroups and possible assignment of workgroup tasks
  10. Recommendations for agenda items for next Board meeting
  11. Discussion of date, time, and location of next Board meeting
  12. Adjournment