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Property Tax Professionals Core Education

Check the core courses you have completed

Course provider posting system

Reporting of core education courses is the responsibility of the Core Course Provider. Registrants may check the courses that have been posted using the link above. If a course has not been posted, registrants should first contact the course provider. If the reporting issue is not resolved, registrants may file a complaint against the provider.

Property Tax Professionals CORE Provider Application

To become a property tax professional CORE course provider, you will need to submit a completed CORE provider application, business plan and a copy of your attendance verification document. Above will find the application and instructions on completing the form.

Required Education Topics and Examinations for Certification after January 1, 2014

Appraiser - Minimum 3 years, maximum 5 years to complete the following requirements:
Class 2 (must be completed within 12 months of becoming registered as Class 1 Appraiser):

Class 3 (must be completed within 36 months of becoming registered as a Class 1 Appraiser):

Class 4 (must be completed within 60 months of becoming registered as a Class 1 Appraiser and cannot be earned until the registrant has 36 months of experience as an Appraiser registrant.)

Assessor/Collector - Minimum 3 years, maximum 5 years to complete the following requirements:
Class 2 (must be completed within 12 months of becoming registered as Class 1 Assessor Collector):

Class 3 (must be completed within 36 months of becoming registered as a Class 1 Assessor Collector):

Class 4 (must be completed within 60 months of becoming registered as a Class 1 Assessor Collector and cannot be earned until the registrant has 36 months of experience as an Assessor/Collector registrant.)

Collector - Minimum two (2) years, maximum three (3) years to complete the following requirements:
Class 2 (Must be completed within 12 months of becoming registered as a Class 1 Collector):

Class 3 (Must be completed within 36 months of becoming registered as a Class 1 Collector and cannot be earned until the registrant has 24 months of experience as a Collector registrant):