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Custom Diabetic Shoe Fitting

Who Can Custom Fit Diabetic Shoes?

Any individual who custom fits a diabetic or other shoe through means of moldable inserts or other methods, regardless of where the final shoe is manufactured, is practicing orthotics, and must be licensed under the Texas Orthotics and Prosthetics Act, unless exempt (see below).

Who Cannot Custom Fit Diabetic Shoes?

Professional certifications from private educational companies do not constitute Texas licensure. Any unlicensed individual who is discovered to be practicing orthotics in this manner will be subject to enforcement action which may include administrative, civil, and criminal penalties.

Holding certification as an orthotic fitter issued by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics (ABC) or the Board of Certification/Accreditation (BOC) does not authorize a person to practice orthotics in Texas.

Un-Regulated Acts

Furthermore, the sale of retail shoes, over the counter or out of the box, is not subject to the Texas Orthotics and Prosthetics Act.


Any person practicing orthotics in Texas must be licensed under Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 605 or be exempt from that licensing law. Texas law has not established a license for orthotic fitters. A certified orthotic fitter must hold a license either as an Orthotic Assistant or as an Orthotist to practice.