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Tow-Away Signage in Parking Facilities

Placement of Signage

Areas where parking is restricted must be marked with the following signage requirements:

Required Information

Signs prohibiting unauthorized parking must meet the following requirements:

Top of Sign

The topmost portion of a towing sign must contain the international towing symbol (a solid silhouette of a tow truck towing a vehicle). The international towing symbol must be in bright red, at least four inches in height, and must be on the uppermost portion of a sign. If the international towing symbol cannot be included on the uppermost portion of a sign, it may be placed on a separate sign placed immediately above the sign.

The portion of the sign immediately below the international towing symbol must contain the words "Towing Enforced" in letters of at least 2 inches in height. The letters should be white over a bright red background.

Middle of Sign

The middle portion of the sign must contain the following information displayed in bright red letters at least one inch in height on a white background:

Bottom of Sign

The bottom portion of the sign must contain a 24-hour per day telephone number (including the area code) that a vehicle owner or operator may call to locate a towed vehicle. This number must be in lettering of at least one inch in height, consisting of white letters on a bright red background.

Size and Materials Requirements

Sign dimensions must be at least 18 inches wide by 24 inches tall.

Signs must be made of weather-resistant material, such as metal or plastic that is intended to remain outdoors permanently.

Sample Tow Signs

Examples of TDLR-approved towing signs: