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Technical Guidance on Well Drilling and Pump Installing Operations

Drilling Locations

A water well can be placed 50 feet from property lines, with minimum well construction requirements met or up to 5 feet from property lines if the annular space is 3-inches larger than the outside diameter of the casing and pressure cemented or grouted from 100 feet back to the surface or from the top of the water production zone, whichever is shallower.

The required separation distance between a water well and septic systems is 50 feet from a septic tank and 100 feet from drain fields or spray areas with minimum well construction specifications met.

The Texas Natural Resource Information Services (TNRIS) maintains grid maps. The TNRIS phone number is (512) 463-8773.

Unlicensed Assistants

A licensed water well driller or pump installer may directly supervise no more than one unlicensed assistant at any one time. The driller/installer must always be onsite with an unlicensed assistant. A licensee may have as many registered apprentices as they can properly supervise.

A person may assist a licensed driller or pump installer without being registered as a Well Driller/Pump Installer Apprentice, provided that they meet the following criteria:

Abandoned or Deteriorated Wells

Please see the abandoned wells page for detailed information on identifying, reporting, and plugging abandoned or deteriorated wells.

Help and Support

For technical guidance and assistance, contact TDLR Water Well Drillers and Pump Installers Program at, or call 512-463-7880.