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Renew a Program Provider Certification

Main Headquarters Location

To renew an existing program provider certification at a main location, complete your renewal application and send payment via here:

Renew and Pay Online

Certifications are valid for two years from the date of issue.

Notification of Changes

You must notify the department in writing within 30 days of any change to the administrator, headquarters or branch site address, telephone number, e-mail address, and website address.

Expired Certifications

A program provider that fails to submit a completed renewal application and pay the renewal fee before the expiration date of their certification will no longer be certified to provide the applicable educational program.

Expired certifications may not be renewed. The program provider must reapply and submit an initial program application and fee as required under ยง90.31 to obtain certification as an approved offender education program provider.

An offender education program provider may not offer, provide or operate an offender education program with an expired certification.

If a program provider certification expires, then any branch site certifications to the program provider headquarters also expire. Offender education programs may not be operated at branch sites if the program provider certification for the headquarters has expired.