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Practicing Outside of Texas

Authority of Your License

The dyslexia therapist and dyslexia practitioner licenses are not national licenses. The licenses are valid only within the state of Texas and do not permit any special rights or privileges in other states. The licenses do not authorize a person to use the titles or engage in the practice in other states.

Claiming to be “Licensed”

Using the word "licensed" outside of Texas could be considered deceptive or misleading advertising, depending on the laws of the state in which you are practicing and advertising.

These licenses are valid within the state of Texas only and do not permit any special rights or privileges in another state. They do not authorize a person to use the titles or engage in the practice in another state.

It is the licensee’s responsibility to ensure that the public knows that the license is only valid in the state of Texas.

Public Disclosure

It is the licensee’s responsibility to ensure that the public knows that the license is only valid in the state of Texas.

Should a licensee choose to use the LDP, LDT, Licensed Dyslexia Therapist, or Licensed Dyslexia Practitioner credentials in another state, the licensee should let the public know that the title and license to practice are only valid in Texas.