New Technology Variance 10-01, Schindler 3300 Machine Room Less Elevators
November 22, 2010
Mr. Vincent P. Robibero
Code Consultant NA
Schindler Elevator Corporation
Post Office Box 1935
Morristown, NJ 07962-1935
Re:NTV-10-01 Schindler 3300 Machine Room Less Elevators
Dear Mr. Robibero:
This is to acknowledge receipt of your above referenced application dated March 16, 2010. Based on the written information submitted by your organization, telephone conversations with people in your organization, and after consultation and review within the Department, the Department is pleased to inform you that your request for New Technology Variances for the Model 3300 Machine Room Less Elevator (MRL) with Suspension Traction Media (STM) and 6 mm governor rope, referred hereafter as Model 3300 MRL with STM, have been approved contingent on the following conditions:
1. This approval is based on written information submitted for the Schindler Model 3300 MRL with STM using elastomeric coated steel belt, A17.7 certificate NA 10-0842-1004-002-01 Revision 1.0 and additional information received subsequent to the March 25, 2010 presentation. Any deviation from the Model 3300 MRL with STM submitted for approval that would violate any provision of the current or any future adopted standard would require another New Technology Variance application and approval by the Department.
2. The requirements for which these New Technology Variances are based on the ASME A17.1-2007 edition of the Safety Code for Elevators, the currently adopted standard. The approvals are granted for:
a. Requirement 2.20.1 Suspension Means
b. Requirement Governor Rope Size
3. Until such time as the Schindler Model 3300 MRL with STM is fully compliant with the adopted standard in Texas, all sales contracts for the Model 3300 with STM will contain a clause that informs buyers that this product has been approved under the New Technology Variance provisions of Chapter 754. As an alternative, you may provide buyers with a copy of this approval letter in lieu of a clause in the sales contract.
4. A copy of this approval letter shall be maintained in the Maintenance Control
Program (MCP) for the life of the equipment or until such time as the equipment meets all adopted standards.
5. Until such time as the Model 3300 MRL with STM is fully compliant with the adopted standard in Texas, a quarterly report of the installation of the Model 3300 with STM shall be provided to the Department within 10 calendar days of the end of each quarter, beginning with the quarter ending June 30, 2010. The report shall contain, at a minimum, the street address; manufacturer's identifying number and decal number.
6. The Model 3300 MRL with STM shall not be used in outdoor installations and installed only in environments that are protected from the weather and maintained within the range of safe operating temperatures of 23o F to 140o F.
7. A copy of the product Quality Report for the production length shall be included with every STM shipment to a Model 3300 STM installation site and kept onsite with the elevator wiring diagrams and STM Trip Count Maintenance Log. Whenever the STM for an elevator is replaced a new production Quality Report shall be provided and kept onsite in the same manner.
8. The Model 3300 MCP guide shall be provided and shall remain with the elevator for the life of the equipment as specified in Chapter 74 Section 74.70(c).
9. The maximum rated car speed shall not exceed 150 feet per minute, the rated capacity of the car shall not exceed 3500 pounds and the maximum car travel shall not exceed 98.5 feet.
10. The size of the governor rope shall not be less than 6 mm and shall be as described in the A17.7 Certification NA 10-0842-1004-002-02.
This approval shall apply to all Model 3300 MRL with STM equipment installed anywhere in the State of Texas, except the City of Houston. Approval of this product for installation within their jurisdiction must be requested directly from the City of Houston.
The approval by the Department shall remain in effect unless revoked. A copy of this approval will be forwarded to all licensed inspectors and will be posted on the Department's website. Inspectors shall be informed that the requirements covered by the above variances are not to be cited on any inspection reports. No waivers or delays will be required.
If you agree with the conditions contained in this approval letter, please so indicate by signing and dating a copy of this letter and returning it to me for our files.
If we can be of any further assistance in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.
April 13, 2010
Mr. Vincent P. Robibero
Lawrence Taylor
Chief Elevator Inspector
Building and Mechanical Section
Compliance Division-TDLR