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New Technology Variance NTV 12-02 Co-Incident Over Speed and Governor Mechanical Trip Speed

June 20, 2012

Barry Blackaby
Otis Elevator Company
5 Farm Springs Road
Farmington, CT 06032

RE: Application for New Technology Variance NTV 12-02 Co-Incident Over Speed and Governor Mechanical Trip Speed

Dear Mr. Blackaby:

This is to acknowledge receipt of your above referenced application dated February 20, 2012. Based on the written information previously submitted by your organization and after consultation and review within the Department, the Department is pleased to inform you that your request for a New Technology Variance to permit the use of co-incident governor over speed and governor mechanical trip speed been approved contingent on the following conditions:

  1. This approval is based on written information submitted provided by your organization during the course of the application/review process. Any deviation from the product as submitted for approval that affects the AECO Certificate of Conformancw identified in paragraph no. 3 below must be submitted to the department and may require another New Technology Variance application with approval by the Department.
  2. The requirements for which this New Technology Variance are based on the ASME A17.1-2007 edition of the Safety Code for Elevators which is the currently adopted standard. The approvals are granted for: Requirement Speed Governor Over Speed Switch
  3. This function when installed in the field shall comply with AECO Certificate of Conformance NA-12-0842-1004-010-03
  4. This function shall only be permitted for GEN-2 elevators with the Car Mounted Governor (CMG).
  5. The maximum car speed shall be 200 feet per minute.
  6. The procedure for the Overspeed Reducing Switch Test Verification shall be provided to the owner of the equipment at the date of acceptance testing and shall be included in the Maintenance Control Program and made accessible to the service company providing maintenance services for the equipment covered by this variance.
  7. A copy of this approval letter shall be provided to the purchaser of the equipment and maintained by the owner in the Maintenance Control Program for the life of the equipment or until such time as the equipment meets all of the adopted standards in the State of Texas.

This approval shall apply to all Otis GEN-2 200 installations, consistent with the contingencies listed above, installed anywhere in the State of Texas, except the City of Houston. The City of Houston must also approve this product for installation within their jurisdiction after approval by the Department.

The approval by the Department shall remain in effect unless revoked. A copy of this approval will be forwarded to all licensed inspectors and will be posted on the Department website. Inspectors shall be informed that the requirements covered by the above variance are not to be cited on any inspection reports. No waivers or delays will be required.

If you agree with the conditions contained in this approval letter, please so indicate by signing and dating a copy of this letter and returning it to us for our files. If we can be of any further assistance in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Lawrence Taylor
Chief Elevator Inspector
Building and Mechanical Section
Compliance Division-TDLR