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Facilities - Apply for a New Certificate

Application and Fee

Applying online for a new license from TDLR is easy and secure. Online applications are immediately sent to the Licensing Division for processing and don’t have to go through additional departments for sorting and payment processing.

If an online application is available, you are strongly encouraged to apply online.

To obtain a new facility certificate of registration, complete and submit an online application form with the non-refundable application fee of $900. A separate application is required for each facility.

Apply Online

A facility certificate of laser hair removal registration issued by the department is valid for 2 years.

Apply by Mail

If you are unable to apply online, you may apply by mail using the Laser Hair Removal Facility Certificate of Registration Application Form (PDF).

Personnel Requirements

Laser Hair Removal Professional

The facility must employ at least one individual who is a registered Laser Hair Removal Professional. This person's name, along with their information and LHR professional certificate number must be entered on the application form.

Laser Safety Officer

The facility must designate an individual to serve as the laser safety officer (LSO).

An LSO is an individual who has knowledge of and the authority and responsibility to apply appropriate laser radiation protection rules, standards, and practices, and who shall be specifically authorized on a certificate of LHR registration.

You must document the LSO's experience with laser devices as well as their qualifications on the application form. If the designated LSO holds a laser hair removal certificate or a physician license, no additional documentation will be required. Otherwise, qualifications must include at least the following:

For more information on the responsibilities of an LSO, see 16 TAC §118.32.

Change of Laser Safety Officer

If there is a change to the laser safety officer, then the facility must notify the department in writing using a Facility Laser Hair Safety Officer Change Form (PDF) within 30 days of the change.

Consulting Physician

The facility must enter into a written agreement with a physician to be available for emergency consultation, which must be current, maintained at the facility, and made available to the department upon request. The agreement must be in the form of a written contract. As an example, you may refer to the Sample Contract between Laser Hair Removal Facility and Consulting Physician (PDF).

The written contact with the consulting physician must contain at a minimum:

The primary practice site of the consulting physician must be located within 75 miles of the laser hair removal facility.

Please see the rules at 16 TAC §118.60. Consulting Physician--Responsibilities and Protocols for more information.

Designated Physician

A laser hair removal facility must designate another physician to serve as a backup in the event that the facility loses the services of the consulting physician. The backup consulting physician must be designated in the contract in accordance with §118.30 of the administrative rules. The consulting physician and designated physician cannot be the same person.

The primary practice site of the designated physician must be located within 75 miles of the laser hair removal facility.

Loss of Consulting Physician

If the facility loses the services of the consulting physician(s), then the facility must immediately cease all laser hair removal procedures until a contractual relationship with a consulting physician is established.

Exemptions to Registration

A certificate of registration for a laser hair removal facility is not required for the following types of businesses:

Please note that a certificate of laser registration may be required for the businesses specified above, if they own, possess, or use laser devices for purposes other than laser hair removal.

Changes to Business Information

The facility must notify the department in writing within 30 days of any changes that would render the information in the registration inaccurate. Notifications may be sent by emailing customer service.

Examples of changes that would require notification include: