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Facilities - Renew a Certificate

Application and Fee

To renew a facility certificate of registration, submit a completed application form along with the application fee of $750. A separate application is required for each facility.

Renew Now

A facility certificate of laser hair removal registration issued by the department is valid for 2 years.

Personnel Requirements

Facilities must maintain all personnel requirements required for licensure. These persons include:

Changes to Consulting Physician

You must submit a new written contract if the consulting physician or designated physician has changed or if any of the information in the contract has been amended. As an example, you may refer to the Sample Contract between Laser Hair Removal Facility and Consulting Physician (PDF).

Changes to Laser Safety Officer

If there is a change to the laser safety officer, then the facility must notify the department in writing using a Facility Laser Hair Safety Officer Change Form (PDF) within thirty (30) days of the change.

Changes to Laser Hair Removal Professional

A LHR facility may continue to perform LHR procedures after the facility's LHR professional leaves the facility or is continuously absent for up to forty-four (44) days if a senior LHR technician is present to perform or directly supervise each procedure. Not later than the 45th day after the LHR professional leaves or is continuously absent, the facility's senior LHR technician must become certified as a LHR professional or the facility must hire a new LHR professional.

Changes to Business Information

The facility must notify the department in writing within 30 days of any changes that would render the information in the registration inaccurate.

Examples of changes that would require notification include:

Notice may be submitted using a Laser Hair Removal Facility Notice of Change and Duplicate Request (PDF) form.

Renewal of Expired Licenses

A late renewal means the registrant will have a period of non-registration from the expiration date of the expired license to the issuance date of the renewed license.

A license that has been expired for 90 days or less may be renewed by paying to the department a renewal fee that is equal to 1-1/2 times the normally required renewal fee.

A license that has been expired for more than 90 days but less than 18 months may be renewed by paying to the department a renewal fee that is equal to two times the normally required renewal fee.

On approval by the executive director (see Request to Executive Director for Expired License Renewal Form PDF), a license that has been expired for at least 18 months but less than three years may be renewed by paying to the department a renewal fee equal to two times the normally required renewal fee.