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Certifying Entities

The following certifying entities administer an examination approved by the State of Texas for obtaining a Professional designation in the field of laser hair removal.

Do not schedule an exam for a LHR Professional designation until a Senior Technician certificate has been received.

To apply for approval as a certifying entity, visit the laser hair removal forms page.

Aesthetic Laser Academy Inc.
17110 Dallas Parkway, Ste 105
Dallas, TX 75248
Phone: (214) 935-3643

Association of Aesthetic Laser Professionals
105 East Annie
Austin, TX 78704
Phone: (512) 897-0088

Avante Training Institute, LLC
DBA Avante Association of Esthetic Education
9191 Pinecroft, Suite 130
The Woodlands, TX 77380
Phone: (281) 419-0080

Professional Medical Education Association, Inc.
DBA National Council on Laser Excellence
3136 Broadway, Suite 101
Grove City, OH 43123
Phone: (614) 883-1739

Texas Laser Institute
2201 West Holcomb Blvd., Suite 225
Houston, TX 77030
Phone: (832) 767-0977
Testing and review course also made available in Spanish.

Texas Laser Institute
4201 Wingren Drive, Suite 202
Irving, TX 75062
Phone: (832) 767-0977 (Main Office)
Testing and review course also available in Spanish.

The Society for Clinical & Medical Hair Removal, Inc.
2424 American Lane
Madison, WI 53704-3102
Phone: (608) 443-2470