Frequently Asked Questions
1. What does a registered sanitarian do?
The scope of professional practice of a registered sanitarian includes, but is not limited to, evaluating, planning, designing, managing, organizing, enforcing, or implementing programs, facilities, or services that protect public health and the environment. The scope of practice also includes educating, communicating, and warning communities of factors that may adversely affect the general health and welfare. The scope of practice may be in the areas of food quality and safety, on-site wastewater treatment and disposal, solid and hazardous waste management, ambient and indoor air quality, drinking and bathing water quality, insect and animal vector control, recreational and institutional facility inspections, consumer health, and occupational health and safety.
Filing a Complaint
1. How soon do I have to file a complaint?
You must file a complaint within two years of the event described in the complaint. TDLR will not accept complaints filed after two years unless you can show good cause for late filing to TDLR’s Executive Director.
2. I don’t want the registrant to know I filed a complaint. May I file a complaint anonymously?
Yes, TDLR accepts anonymous complaints. To file anonymously, be sure to leave the “Complaining Party” space blank on the complaint form. Keep in mind, if you file anonymously, you will not receive updates from TDLR on the status of your complaint and you will not be able to provide any additional information TDLR may need.
3. Does TDLR open and investigate every complaint received?
No. If the information you provide in your complaint does not contain enough information for TDLR to determine that a violation may have occurred, TDLR will first seek additional information from you (if you did not file anonymously). If TDLR does not receive enough information following that request, your complaint may not be opened for investigation.
4. What happens after I file my complaint?
Please see our Complaint Investigation and Resolution page for a detailed explanation of the complaint process.
5. What is the status of a complaint I filed?
TDLR will mail you periodic notices and will inform you of the resolution of your complaint. Please keep your address and phone number updated with TDLR.
6. How do I know if disciplinary action was taken against a registrant or an unregistered person or business?
If a complaint results in disciplinary action taken by TDLR, it will be posted in our Administrative Orders Search for three years following the signed order.