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Mold Remediation Notifications

If you filed a notification with DSHS and need to amend or cancel the notification after November 1, 2017 contact TDLR.

Submit a Notification

A Mold Remediation Notification is required when mold contamination affects a total surface area of 25 contiguous square feet or more and mold remediation will be conducted. Mold remediation is defined as the removal, cleaning, sanitizing, demolition, or other treatment, including preventive activities, of mold or mold-contaminated matter that was not purposely grown at a location. Preventive activities include those intended to prevent future mold contamination of a remediated area, including applying biocides or anti-microbial compounds.

Mold remediation notifications must be submitted online.

There is a $25 fee to submit a mold remediation notification.

Amend a Notification

Amendments to a mold remediation notification must be submitted online. There is no fee to amend a notification.

An amendment is required if any of the following conditions are true:

If a mold remediation company or a mold remediation contractor submits a notification, and then does not complete the project, the notification should be amended to list a new stop-date. The mold remediation company or a mold remediation contractor that will complete the project will need to submit a new notification for the work required to complete the project.

Required Timelines for Amendments

The timeline for submitting an amendment varies based on the type of change being submitted.

Cancel a Notification

If a mold remediation company or a mold remediation contractor submits a notification, and then does not begin the project, the notification should be cancelled. Notification cancellations must be submitted online. There is no fee to cancel a notification.

If a mold remediation company or a mold remediation contractor submits a notification, and then does not complete the project, the notification should not be cancelled. Instead, the notification should be amended to list a new stop-date. The mold remediation company or a mold remediation contractor that will complete the project will need to submit a new notification for the work required to complete the project.

All other changes should be submitted as an amendment.

Cancellation of mold remediation notifications should be submitted as soon as possible but before the start-date on the most recent notice.

Emergency Notifications

An emergency exists if a delay in mold remediation services would increase mold contamination due to water damage. The existence of an emergency is determined by the mold licensee, and not by the Department.

During an emergency, the mold remediation contractor or company must submit a notification not later than the following working day after the emergency has been identified. There is a $25 fee to submit an emergency notification.

Phased Projects

Some remediation projects may involve multiple rooms or areas in a single building. If the mold remediation project is for a single client in one building, and the entire scope of the project (including each phase) is included in the protocol and work plan, then you may submit one online notification form if you provide the specific location and the start-dates and stop-dates for each phase of the project on the notification form. Any schedule changes (start/stop dates and/or times) as the project progresses, including schedule changes of the phases, must be stated in an amended online notification.