Mold Training Provider Accreditation
Accreditation is required as a mold training provider to offer mold training courses that are prerequisites for licensing. Mold training providers must obtain approval of mold training courses prior to offering courses.
Application and Fee
Applying online for a new license from TDLR is easy and secure. Online applications are immediately sent to the Licensing Division for processing and don’t have to go through additional departments for sorting and payment processing.
If an online application is available, you are strongly encouraged to apply online.
Submit a completed application form (Apply Online or see Mold Training Provider Accreditation Application Form - PDF) along with the required $750 application fee. All owners with a 10% or more ownership of this business must be listed on the license application form.
You must also include with the application form a statement of any affiliation with other mold-related companies doing business in Texas.
Insurance Requirements
Accredited mold training providers are required to obtain commercial general liability insurance in the amount of not less than $1 million per occurrence. This insurance coverage must be maintained for the duration of the license, and proof of insurance should be submitted to the department along with your application.
A non-governmental entity, such as a business or an individual, may be "self-insured" if the business or individual submits to the department a signed affidavit stating that the business or individual has a net worth of at least $1 million. A current financial statement indicating a net worth of at least $1 million must accompany the affidavit. A new affidavit and current financial statement must be submitted with each renewal application.
Governmental entities that are self-insured are not required to purchase this insurance.
Refund and Cancellation Policy
Submit a written refund and cancellation policy to the department along with your application. The policy must be available in all languages in which training is offered. This refund and cancellation policy must be provided to students before any fees are paid to the training provider.
Mold Training Manager Qualifications
You must designate a mold training manager and provide documentation that they meet at least one of the following qualifications:
- Has at least two years of experience, education, or training in teaching adults
- Holds a bachelor's or graduate degree in building construction technology, engineering, industrial hygiene, safety, public health, education, or business administration or program management
- Has at least two years of experience in managing an occupational health and safety training program specializing in environmental hazards and has demonstrated experience, education, or training in mold assessment or remediation, lead or asbestos abatement, occupational safety and health, or industrial hygiene
Coursework and Instructor Approval
List of Courses
Include with your application a list of all courses that will be offered to students. A mold course approval application must be submitted for each course. See the Mold Training Course Approval page for detailed information on how to submit coursework for department approval.
Principal Instructor
For each course offered, you must list a qualified principal instructor who meets at least one of the following qualifications:
Qualifications - Method A
- High school diploma
- At least two years of actual hands-on experience in mold-related activities for the subject that the instructor will teach
- Completed of at least one teacher education course in vocational or industrial teaching
Qualifications - Method B
- Bachelor's degree or advanced degree in natural or physical sciences or a related field from an accredited college or university
- One year of hands-on experience in mold-related activities
Qualifications - Method C
- At least three years teaching experience
- One year of hands-on experience in mold-related activities
- Completion of one or more teacher education courses in vocational or industrial teaching from an accredited two or four-year college
Qualifications - Method D
- A vocational teacher with certification from the Texas Education Agency
- One year of hands-on experience in mold-related activities
Quality of Training Review
Include with your application a copy of your plan for maintaining and improving the quality of the training. This plan must include, at a minimum, procedures for periodic revisions of training materials and tests as well as for the training manager’s annual review of instructor competency.