Ten Most Common Code Violations in Establishment Inspections
1. Establishments not clean and not in good repair
Establishments and schools shall keep the floors, walls, ceilings, shelves, furniture, furnishings, and fixtures clean and in good repair. Any cracks, holes, or other similar disrepair not readily accessible for cleaning shall be repaired or filled in to create a smooth, washable surface.
Rule: 83.114(a)
2. Failure to have rest room on or near premises without stored chemicals
Every establishment and school shall provide at least one restroom located on or near the licensed premises . For public safety, chemical supplies shall not be stored in the restroom.
Rule: 83.114(e)
3. Failed to provide a list of all independent contractors and mini-establishments working in the establishment
An establishment owner, manager, or their representative must, upon request, make available to the department representative the list required by §83.71(c) of all independent contractors and all mini-establishment licensees who work in the establishment.
Rule: 83.50(b)
4. Failure to prepare fresh disinfectant daily or more often if solution becomes diluted or soiled
Disinfectants in which implements are to be immersed shall be prepared fresh daily or more often if solution becomes diluted or soiled.
Rule: 83.101(a)(3)
5. Failure to attach current photograph to the front of license, certificate, or permit
A current photograph of the licensee at least 1 1/2 inches by 1 1/2 inches shall be attached to the front of the license or permit, or digitally displayed along with an image of the license or permit. The photograph may not obscure any information on the license or permit.
Rule: 83.70(f)
6. Failure to display Notification of Public Interest Information and Participation
A remote service business shall provide through the entity's digital network prior to any digitally prearranged remote service being performed… the department's internet website address and telephone number and notice that the client may contact the department to file a complaint against the remote service business or practitioner performing the service.
Rule: 83.77(h)(3)
7. Failed to post the most recent inspection report
Establishments shall display in the establishment, in a conspicuous place clearly visible to the public, a notice that a copy of the establishment's most recent inspection report issued by the department is available upon request.
Rule: 83.71(l)
8. Failed to maintain a list of all renters
The lessor to an independent contractor practitioner must maintain a list of all renters that includes the name of renter and the license number of the renter. The lessor must supply the department representative with a list of renters upon request.
Rule: 83.71(c)
9. Failure to store clean implements in a clean, dry, debris-free environment or failure to separate clean implements from soiled implements or non-cosmetology supplies.
Each establishment shall comply with the following requirements… a clean, dry, debris-free storage area;
Rule: 83.71(g)(5)
All clean and disinfected implements and materials when not in use shall be stored in a clean, dry, debris-free environment including but not limited to drawers, cases, tool belts, rolling trays, or hung from hooks. They must be stored separate from soiled implements and materials. Ultraviolet electrical sanitizers are permissible for use as a dry storage container. Supplies not related to barbering or cosmetology must be stored in separate drawers or locations.
Rule: 83.102(f)
10. Failure to keep all products used in the conduct of business properly labeled in compliance with OSHA requirements
Each establishment and school shall keep all products used in the conduct of their business properly labeled in compliance with OSHA requirements.
Rule: 83.102(n)