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Manicurist - Scope of Practice

What Services are Allowed?

A licensed Manicurist can perform or advertise the following services to the public in exchange for compensation:

A Manicurist cannot perform any other barbering or cosmetology services other than those listed above.

What Services are Not Allowed?

A Manicurist cannot perform or advertise the following services in exchange for compensation:

Please also see the list of services regulated by other agencies.

Who Can Provide Services in Texas?

Only licensed individuals who hold a Texas license can perform the services listed above (1603.2101).

The following license types can perform all the services allowed by a Manicurist license and more:

Un-licensed individuals cannot represent themselves or their business using the words “barber”, “barbering”, “cosmetologist”, “cosmetology”, or any combination, variation, or abbreviation of these words (1603.2101).

Exemptions to Licensing Requirement

There are specific exemptions for:

See 1603.0013 for more details on exemptions.