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Apply for a New Driver Education Provider License

Starting November 1, 2023, parent-taught driver education providers, including all currently approved providers will be required to apply and pay for a license. This includes meeting bond requirements.

For information about branch locations, please see Applying for a Branch Location License.

Before You Apply

Applicants for a new Driver Education Provider license must meet all requirements in rules and statute, including:

Surety Bond

A surety bond in the amount of $10,000 must be provided and submitted with your application.

Bond requirements can be found in Education Code 1001.207 and section 84.40(b) of the administrative rules.

The information on the bond must match the information of the school license, including:

The bond must remain in effect until the provider license is no longer active. You must submit a bond continuation agreement with each subsequent renewal.

Assumed Name Registration

You must include the assumed name registration documentation from the Texas Secretary of States Office. You must also check with the county where the business is physically located to determine if a DBA needs to be filed.

Curriculum Requirements

The courses that you will offer to students must meet the minimum established curriculum requirements.

For more information on what types of curriculum you can offer under your license, see Curriculum Standards for Driver Education Providers.

Motor Vehicle Fleet

Vehicles must comply with section 84.42 of the administrative rules, including:

ADA Compliance

As part of your provider license responsibility, you must create a plan for making reasonable accommodations and providing aids to deaf or hard of hearing students.

See the accessible accommodations page for details.

Application and Fee

To apply for a Driver Education Provider license with an, online, in-person, and/or parent taught endorsement, submit a completed online application form and include the non-refundable application fee of $500.

If you wish to add multiple endorsements, you will do so in a separate transaction after the initial license is approved by the department. Each additional endorsement is $300.00.

Apply Online

Licenses are valid for a period of one year from the date issued.

You cannot enroll students or schedule or begin any classes until your license application has been approved. However, you may advertise as a prospective school that is opening soon.

For assistance with using the Versa system to apply for a new license, please see the step-by-step guides below:

Endorsement Types

The driver education provider license has three possible endorsements for the method of delivery that will be used:

When you apply for a driver education provider license, the first endorsement is included with your license application fee.

Subsequent endorsements require an additional fee of $300/each.

Endorsements (Regardless of Type) Fee
First Endorsement Included with application fee
Second Endorsement $300
Third Endorsement $300

Verification of Ownership

On the license application form, you must list each person, entity, or shareholder who owns a stake in the business.


In-person Driver Education Providers

Before a license may be issued, the department must determine that all in-person driver education providers have adequate space, equipment, instructional materials, and instructors to provide quality training in the classroom and behind the wheel. In-person driver education providers must be inspected by the department before it may offer courses.

For more information on what inspectors will look for, please see What to Expect During a Driver Education School Inspection.

Online Providers

Online driver education providers are not required to have an inspection before offering courses or materials.

However, online driver education providers must have adequate instructors and adequate testing and security measures as per section 84.500 of the administrative rules.

Parent-Taught Driver Education Providers

Parent-taught driver education providers are not required to have an inspection before offering courses or materials. However, you should make note of the following requirements: