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Driver Education School Closure Information for Students

Students enrolled with a driver education provider that has since closed will have the opportunity for their completed hours to transfer to another provider. TDLR will attempt to arrange for students enrolled in the closed entity to attend another driver education program.

Stay Informed

When a provider closes, TDLR will provide updates on Facebook, Twitter and the TDLR website. You may also want to sign up to receive email notifications from the Department.

Please check your provider's website for possible closure information and procedures.

Current Contact Info

Both TDLR and your driver education provider may attempt to contact you during the closure process. Please make sure that the contact information on file is current.

If either party is unable to reach you, you may be ineligible to receive refunded tuition or to get credit for all hours you have completed.

Transferring Your Credit Hours

Before a provider closes, the owner should provide you with copies of your student records, such as the classroom logs, behind the wheel logs, and the DE-964 or ADE-1317 certificate of completion. If you have not completed the course, you will then contact a driver education provider to make arrangements for enrollment as a transfer-student. You must then give the new provider copies of your records.

After you receive your transcript from the closed provider, please provide a copy of your transcript to TDLR. This will allow TDLR to ensure that your new provider correctly gives you credit for all hours that you have completed.

Student Records

If the provider closed and you are unable to retain copies of your records, please contact TDLR for assistance. Records will be kept up to three years from the date the course was completed or from the date TDLR received the records.

Tuition Refunds

A driver education provider is required to issue full refunds to students when a course is discontinued and prevents the student from completing the course. When a provider cannot issue refunds, it is left to the department to file on their bond. Refunds are then based on the total number of students affected by the closure and the number of course hours completed. Each driver education provider is required to have a cancellation, termination, and refund policy and provide a copy to you when you register for a course. Please refer to that policy for the details of your situation, as you may be entitled to a refund for the hours of instruction that were not provided.

If you are student affected by a drive education provider closure, please contact the Education & Examination Division, and include the following:

  1. Student’s Full Name
  2. Enrollment Date
  3. School Name
  4. School Address